Treating Pandemic Stress and Pain with Acupuncture
Imagine if you will, a smoke alarm that won’t stop going off. One of two things might happen. You’d either eventually attenuate to it and not notice any alarms or you’d become hypersensitive and completely on edge— jumping at every little sound. We don’t want to live in a world where alarm bells are constantly ringing but we also don’t want to rip the smoke alarm out of the wall either. Now imagine that a ball or a bird is flying towards your head—You tense in anticipation. Then, the object either hits or misses you, at which point you’d physically relax as the threat has passed. But what can you do if the threat isn’t physical? In this case, the body doesn’t always receive the signal that the threat has passed and therefore doesn’t know to relax. What then? That’s where acupuncture comes into play.